Calm Hands - Stop Nail Biting


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Calm Hands helps you stop nail biting and skin picking by recording all of your "will power moments" throughout the day, whether bit or only thought about it. The app makes a game out of it, providing a score for you to focus on improving. "Thought about it but didn't do it" (good!) gets you more points than "Didn't stop until it hurt" (not so good). Along the way you can include journal entries for where you were and what you were doing to help identify triggers, avoid those situations and stop biting your nails once and for all!
Take progress photos! Chart your progress over time. The app analyzes your history, providing statistics like how frequently you have setbacks, and suggesting what time of day is best/worst for you.
Nail biting and skin picking are often seen as childhood bad habits that you just eventually outgrow. For many adults and children alike, however, it is a compulsion they have suffered with for years or even decades. The anxiety associated with simple acts of human contact like waving or shaking hands is very real, and often debilitating.
Nail biting and skin picking are not "did I or didn't I" habits that can be crossed off a checklist like whether you did 10 pushups when you woke up this morning. Long time nail biting sufferers understand that there may be dozens of times a day when you catch yourself, unaware that you were even doing it. Is that failure? What about the times when you caught yourself about to do it, and didn't? Surely that's a victory, and you need to celebrate those. More importantly you need to be aware of when and why that moment occurred.
PERSONAL DATA IS NEVER SHARED. Nail biting is a personal, private battle and the app developer knows how that feels. If we already live in fear of people noticing the problem, why would we want to broadcast it on Facebook?